Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Harry Hibbs - Harry Hibbs At The Caribou Club

The one and only Harry Hibbs dealing out a grand selection of Scottish, Irish and Newfoundland Traditional/Folk tunes on his trusty auld Accordion. Though the album is called At The Caribou Club it does not appear to be a live set. Never mind this 1968 album hits the spot....so lets sing alomg with Harry

"There was Barney McGee from the banks of the Lee
There was Hogan from County Tyrone
There was Johnny McGurk who was scared stiff of work
And a man from Westmeath called Malone"

01-Road to the Isles.
02-Isle of Newfoundland.
03-Cook In the Galley.
04-Haste to the Wedding.
05-The Irish Rover.
06-The Black Velvet Band.
07-Off to Dublin.
08-Off to California.
09-I'se the B'y.
10-Twiggle Toe.
11-Squid Jiggin' Ground.
12-Sweet Sixteen.

link to the free album

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