The Collected Works of Saint Patrick
Irish Idylls [by Jane Barlow]
The Girl Who Sat By The Ashes [by Padraic Colum]
The King of Ireland's Son [by Padraic Colum]
Welsh Fairy Tales And Other Stories [by P.H. Emerson]
On an Irish Jaunting-Car through Donegal and Connemara [by Samuel Gamble Bayne]
Bonnie Prince Charlie [a Tale of Fontenoy and Culloden] [by G. A. Henty] [Audiobook]
In Freedom's Cause [by G.A. Henty]
Celtic Fairy Tales [Selected and Edited by Joseph Jacobs]
Chamber Music [by James Joyce]
Dead [by James Joyce] [Audiobook]
Dubliners [by James Joyce] [Audiobook]
Ulysses [by James Joyce
The Book of Hallowe'en [by Ruth Edna Kelley] [Audiobook]
Blue Fairy Book [by Andrew Lang] [1889] [Part 1]
Blue Fairy Book [by Andrew Lang] [1889] [Part 2]
Tales Of King Arthur And The Round Table [by Andrew Lang]
Fifty One Tales [by Lord Dunsany] [Audiobook]
At the Back of the North Wind (version 2) [by George MacDonald]
The Princess And The Goblin [by George Macdonald] [Audiobook]
Fantasy, Faeries and Ghosts by George MacDonald, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Edgar Allan Poe]
The Hill of Dreams [by Arthur Machen]
Elves and Heroes [by Donald Alexander Mackenzie
The Rebel of the School [by Mrs. L. T. Meade]
The Untilled Field [by George Moore] [Audiobook]
Doom Castle [by Neil Munro]
The Scottish Chiefs [by Miss Jane Porter] [Audiobook]
Rob Roy [by Sir Walter Scott]
The Insurrection in Dublin [by James Stephens]
A Child's Garden of Verses [by Robert Louis Stevenson]
The Tinker's Wedding [by J.M. Synge]
The Gambler [by Katherine Thurston]
The Ballad of Reading Gaol [by Oscar Wilde]
The Happy Prince And Other Tales [by Oscar Wilde]
Celtic Twilight [by WB Yeats]
In The Seven Woods [by William Butler Yeats]
John Sherman and Dhoya [by W.B. Yeats]
The Wild Swans at Coole [Version 2] [by William Butler Yeats]
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