MacColl, in collaboration with partner Peggy Seeger, visits a number of traditional ballads of criminal misfortune, the underlying theme here is one of protest against the vagaries of the justice system. Despite the odd attempt of levity, the unremitting darkness of the material is likely to put some listeners off. For all that, this is a vital piece of work from the Celtic\British folk movement of the 1950s - 1960s. Chorus From The Gallows, released in 1960, opens with the tale of Craig and Derek Bentley and closes with "Go Down Ye Murderers," which relates the story of Timothy John Evans, convicted and executed for murders he did not commit, both true and awful stories from the annals of 20th century justice.
Derek Bentley
The Black Velvet Band
Jamie Raeburn's Farewell
Johnny O' Breadiesley
Hughie The Graeme
The Treadmill Song
Turpin Hero
The Crafty Farmer
Jimmy Wilson
The Lag's Song
Van Dieman's Land
Go Down Ye Murderers
link to the free album
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