"In the Jacobite songs every battle became a cry against oppression, and every leader wears the aspect of Ideal courage, boldness and strength, without blemish. The songs are glorious. Through them the Jacobites have won their rebellions, for the songs exist In posterity, moving us who are so far removed from the events, the causes, and the feelings, of the Fifteen and the Forty-Five; who live In other countries and pursue other destinies. As Ewan MacColl writes: "To a world which has become familiar with the concept of genocide, which has known fascism and two world wars, the Jacobite rebellions appear as no more than cases of mild unrest. They have grown dusty in history's lumber room along with all the other lost causes. The Stuart cause is forgotten and nothing, remains of it except the songs. "And what songs they are'. Witty, tender, proud, bitter, ribald, delicate, passionate; the songs of a people with a great zest and appetite for life; the songs of a people who are essentially optimistic and who, oddly enough, succeed In combining sympathy for a declining royal house with the most republican sentiments." [source Ralph Knight]
1 Ye Jacobites By Name
2 Such A Parcel Of Rogues In A Nation
3 Will Ye Go To Sheriffmuir
4 Wae's Me For Prince Charlie
5 Charlie He's My Darling
6 The Haughs Of Cromdale
7 The Bonnie Moorhen
8 Johnnie Cope
9 Cam Ye O'er Frae France
10 There's Three Brave, Loyal Fellows
11 This Is No My Ain House
12 The Piper O' Dundee
13 Donald MacGillavry
14 MacLean's Welcome
15 Will Ye No Come Back Again
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